Curious about grinding your own coffee beans?

When I first started buying whole bean, I was almost overwhlemed with the grinders available. I actually started out slow and purchased a burr hand grinder from Amazon that was around $35 at the time. I weighed my beans and ground them by hand for close to 2 years before deciding to make the leap to an electric grinder(side note: continous hand grinding may cause claw hands!). I did my research, read articles, watched youtube, etc. and finally arrived at one that was affordable but still met most of major requirements.

  • durability - conical burr grinders

  • wide array of grind settings - 40 to be exact

  • can grind for brewing methods from espresso all the way up to french press coarse

Your needs may be different than mine but these were important to me. I vary my brewing methods throughout the week so it was important to get a grinder that met all my needs. After many days of research, I decided to purchase the Baratza Encore grinder. It can do all of the above and also includes portafilter attachments and hopper extenders to increase your hopper storage. This machine has not let me down yet! It is consistent every single day. You can purchase it on Amazon currently for $170. You can have fresh ground coffee at home each day whether you use a a food processor, or cheaper made blade grinder but I can guarantee you they won’t produce the consistent grounds that the Baratza does.


The Perfect Coffee setup when camping